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  • 1cosmic microwave background

    2) Телекоммуникации:микроволновый фон космического излучения
    3) Макаров:микроволновое фоновое излучение, реликтовое электромагнитное излучение

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь >cosmic microwave background

  • 2cosmic microwave background

    микроволновое фоновое излучение, реликтовое электромагнитное излучение, космическое фоновое радиоизлучение, фоновое космическое радиоизлучение

    English-russian dictionary of physics >cosmic microwave background

  • 3cosmic microwave background

    English-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations >cosmic microwave background

См. также в других словарях:

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  • cosmic microwave background — noun (cosmology) the cooled remnant of the hot big bang that fills the entire universe and can be observed today with an average temperature of about 2.725 kelvin • Syn: ↑cosmic background radiation, ↑CBR, ↑cosmic microwave background radiation,… … Useful english dictionary

  • cosmic microwave background — noun Date: 1981 background radiation … New Collegiate Dictionary

  • cosmic microwave background — noun isotropic radiation emanating uniformly from all directions of the universe at a temperature of approximately 2.73 degrees kelvin and thought to be a remnant of the big bang … Australian-English dictionary

  • Cosmic microwave background experiments — [ Cosmic background (CMB) temperature on the celestial sphere as determined with the COBE satellite, (top) uncorrected, (middle) corrected for the dipole term due to our peculiar velocity, (bottom) corrected for contributions from the dipole term … Wikipedia

  • Cosmic microwave background radiation — CMB and Cosmic background radiation redirect here. For other uses see CMB (disambiguation) and Cosmic background (disambiguation). Physical cosmology … Wikipedia

  • cosmic microwave background radiation — noun (cosmology) the cooled remnant of the hot big bang that fills the entire universe and can be observed today with an average temperature of about 2.725 kelvin • Syn: ↑cosmic background radiation, ↑CBR, ↑CMBR, ↑cosmic microwave background,… … Useful english dictionary

  • Timeline of cosmic microwave background astronomy — Timeline of cosmic microwave background astronomyThermal (non microwave background) temperature predictions* 1896 Charles Edouard Guillaume estimates the radiation of the stars to be 5.6K. [Guillaume, C. E., 1896, La Nature 24, series 2, p. 234,… … Wikipedia

  • List of cosmic microwave background experiments — A comparison of the sensitivity of WMAP with COBE and Penzias and Wilson s telescope. Simulated data. There have been a variety of experiments to measure the Cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation anisotropies and polarization since its… … Wikipedia

  • Discovery of cosmic microwave background radiation — Bell Labs Horn Antenna in Crawford Hill, NJ In 1965 while using the Horn Antenna, Penzias and Wilson stumbled on the microwave background radiation that permeates the universe. This article concerns the accidental discovery of cosmic microwave… … Wikipedia

  • Cosmic infrared background — (CIB) is a mysterious infrared light coming from outer space. It is slowly being resolved into specific sources by infrared telescopes. In some ways it is analogous to the cosmic microwave background, but at shorter wavelengths. Contents 1… … Wikipedia

  • Cosmic neutrino background — Physical cosmology Universe · Big Bang … Wikipedia

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