Dating Someone With Herpes Reddit

Dating Someone With Herpes RedditDating

It is a big decision if you are planing on dating someone with Herpes. Remember your partner has shown courage to let you know that he or she is suffering from herpes.

Dating someone with herpes I’m it sure where to put this, I’ve been seeing someone for the last couple weeks or so and she’s absolutely amazing, we get along so well it’s almost crazy. Last night she told me her last partner gave her herpes. I met someone with herpes when I was in my 20's and she kindly disclosed her condition to me before we did anything. I do appreciate that. However, after she told me what she had, she downplayed everything else involved and tried to act like I would be totally safe from it as long as we were semi careful.

Dating With Herpes Reddit

Alternatively, you might have found it the hard by discovering blisters around their mouth and genitalia. It is a big decision if you are planing on dating someone with Herpes. Remember your partner has shown courage to let you know that he or she is suffering from herpes. Alternatively, you might have found it the hard by discovering blisters around their mouth and genitalia.
Genital herpes is a social stigma, most of the people are embarrassed about this condition. The good news is that it is treatable. Here we have a few suggestions for you to ensure that you are doing the right thing if you are planning to date people with herpes.
1-Test yourself
As your partner the type of test, they got and commonly it is the blood test. Ensure that you get yourself tested. 70% of people with herpes are unaware that they are suffering from this issue. If you are your partner are positive then you can enjoy the stress-free sexual intimacy.
2-Give them encouragement and support
When you are dating someone with Herpes it takes a lot of courage for your partner to reveal the truth.
• Instead of freaking out you should support them.

• Let them know you will never leave their side and give a real hug.

• Listen supportively and ask how they have been managing their life with the virus.

Dating Someone With Herpes Reddit

Dating Someone With Cold Sores Reddit

• Never get sexual when your partner has told you everything and give them some space to think about the future of the relationship. If you are planning to continue let them know you care and admire their character.
It is important that you educate yourself about herpes if you want to date people with herpes. Conduct a proper research so you will know everything about the disease.
Keep in mind that it is similar to dating someone with cold sores known as oral herpes. We all know it is contagious and it might look awkward. It is just a skin condition and does not make it a barrier to true love.
4-The big decision
It is the time that you make the big decision that whether you would keep dating someone with Herpes or you will leave. If you truly love someone you love will be more meaningful and powerful against the little skin condition.
On the other hand, if you are planning to date someone for the first time, make sure to ask yourself do you really like them and want to have a long relationship.
The bad news is if you do not care about your partner you might just end the relationship before things get serious and feelings get hurt. Herpes is a painful condition and living with it might get tough if you are not getting it treated.
Bottom line
If you have made the decision to continue the relation the first thing to consider is that your partner goes on medication. Your partner should be taking the suppressive medications before you start sleeping together. Use protection during the intercourse as it will reduce the chances of transmission.