List Of Chinese Dating Sites


Signs You Are On a Scam Chinese Dating Site is the largest online dating site in China, and should be the site you sign. Free dating sites, list of casual dating sites, list of free dating websites, free online dating sites list, free dating site list, list of all dating sites, best of dating sites, popular dating sites list Bogdanoff amp Bustle, population can contact one knows methods listed together. 4.9 stars - 1713 reviews.

Exactly what are scam Chinese dating sites? They are dating sites that are really fraudulently out to bleed you of a load of your hard-earned money, and while doing so will also thoughtlessly leave you broken-hearted and suffering from a tremendous loss of pride.
Picture spending anywhere from $300 to $3,000 per month to message with several Chinese women and chat with 2 or 3 for a long time, then trim it down to simply one and invest another $5,000 or so to fly to China to meet her, only to then be informed she had to cancel her plans and didn't wish to marry you after all 'because her Mom and Dad wouldn't agree to it'. Funny she didn't ask them before you paid for your flight, let alone before you boarded your plane.
Then, while you're at the Scam site's regional workplace (referred to as their 'Chinese agents') being tempted by them to now meet some complete stranger, you discover by overhearing employees that the lady you had fallen deeply in love with was not genuine, just a paid staff member. Or, if she was real, she was never ever saying the caring things you believed she was. That was simply the translator making up crap. Your Chinese love actually had no idea what you were telling her, nor what the translator was saying she was telling you. It’s all just one big long line of BS.
You made the long trip to China to join with and marry the woman you had learned to deeply enjoy and love, but instead discover that you've been entirely taken in by the international Chinese dating internet site that you had totally trusted and had contributed a healthy chunk of your savings to.
As a non-scam website that is joined by a lot of these poor, badly beaten men after they've been had, we've heard this same story, or comparable ones to it, hundreds and hundreds of times. This report of the details of their misadventure is not just about promoting our sites, and It is about assisting you in discovering a good website, one that is deserving of your trust, be that our site or another fair and honest one.
As a non-scam site that gets a great deal of these poor, suffering guys after they've been had, we've heard this same story, or comparable ones to it, hundreds and hundreds of times. This information is not merely about promoting our sites, it is about assisting you to discover a good website, whether that is our site or another good one. We're providing this information to you to try to ensure you don’t get your ass scammed off.
When one of these scam websites is done with their victim he is financially ravaged, heart-broken, embarrassed and bitter. Do not let this become your fate! It’s easy to avoid.
Here are some pretty telling signs that you’ve landed on a Scam dating site:
1. Usually all the ladies are tarted up so much as to look like sex mad nymphomaniacs at best and hookers at worse, yet explained in their profiles to be lawyers, physicians, instructors, nurses or top flight businesswomen. They look like whores yet declare themselves to be sweet, innocent, home loving, one man women who are interested only in you, again, even though you haven’t posted a photo or completed a single line of your profile.
2. They are frequently self-declared 'virgins', all sweetness and innocence, in spite of the fact that they are posed half naked, with cleavage flashing everywhere.
3. Their images all look expertly done consisting of expert make-up tasks. Often you'll find numerous ladies on the site wearing the exact same hot clothing.
4. While their profiles generally declare them to be proficient in English, for some mysterious reason you are constantly asked to spend for translation of every message, every word of instant chat and every spoken word at rates the United Nations would refuse to pay, and that will have your accountant coughing blood.
5. Sometimes, again way before you have actually finished completing your registration form, you will find yourself being confronted by not only female Chinese and Asian strumpets, but by Russians, Ukrainians, Latinas and women of other ilk from sister scam sites, all of whom are begging to meet you, love you and pleasure you. They have tracked you down from around the world and are begging to be yours because they've seen your profile (which is blank) and loved your photo (which you haven’t posted) and they find you irresistible.
So long as you are a member of the site you can rely on this never ending bevy of beauties to constantly send you an endless array of messages, each of which will cost you several dollars to read, and which will massage your ego and tease your nether regions to the point of your brain blanking out and your testosterone blinding you to how stupid you are to have fallen for such a barrel full of crap.
You will certainly carry on receiving a barrage of such declarations of lust and love from an unlimited number of runway model quality Chinese and other women for so long as you keep paying for them, until that magic moment comes when your bank account is in arrears, your credit cards are cancelled, your home is being foreclosed, your car has been seized and you have suddenly realized that you have never met a single real woman in person out of all the beautiful women whose pictures you have adored. That magic moment when it suddenly dawns on you that you are not a member of the scam dating site, but a victim.
6. Whenever you get any message from any woman you need to pay to read it, even after the months of messaging at a cost of $1,000’s and even messages to the nubile young thing who has agreed to be your future wife.
7. At no time will you ever be enabled to get any woman's private contact details, even the one you have declared you are going to marry.
8. To video chat with any girl (even your beautiful bride to be) you will need to pay a stupidly pricey rate by the minute, and you will likewise have to pay for a translator/chaperone who will do all the talking for her and for you although she is allegedly fluent in English. It just wouldn’t be right for you and your loving fiancé to let slip each other’s email address.
9. A most incredible thing will take place when you begin to get a grip on yourself and realize how badly you have been scammed. As the scam site starts to detect they've lost you as a paying consumer who is searching for love, many of those same girls who have consistently sweetly and innocently been messaging you with their undying wish to be your sweet and virtuous lifelong love will now start sending you not so innocent missives asking you to now pay to see them naked. Other messages will suggest that since maybe you aren’t going to be coming to China to marry them, you might instead like to come over for a nice blowjob, or any of countless other pornographic or sexual offerings.
It seems that Chinese dating site you were trusting as your matchmaker to find your loving and virtuous wife or partner has suddenly transformed itself in to a pimp, and those innocent girls once lining up to be your bride are now gearing up to sell you some heat. It seems that somehow along the journey you’ve been on, these beautiful Chinese ladies lost their innocence, and we can assume their virginity has been lost along with it.
All sarcasm above is fully intentional.
If you find yourself on such a dating website, Chinese or otherwise, either get out fast or get your banker to set you up with a fantastic line of credit, you're going to need it.

A few days ago my Facebook was filled with the excitement of Valentine’s day celebrations. With lovers sharing a million lovey dovey over the top romantic posts, myself included. But also with those who are single sharing anti-Valentine days’ posts. Or other love related posts. As the day set out for lovers, it can sometimes remind those of us who are not dating that we are alone.

Did you know that after every Valentines day the rate of new users for dating apps jumps up?

It makes sense as everyone wants to find their one true love. That’s why in this blog edition, we will introduce the top Chinese dating apps.

The quick development of the internet, electronic software and in the end social media, has drastically changed our lives. Whether for the good or bad that remains to be seen! The main thing it has done is connect people even more. In this respect, dating apps have changed the way we connect with a lover and the way we date. Some would argue that it’s made dating more efficient. Other’s that it’s made it less romantic. I sometimes find myself wondering what Disney princess movies would look like if they had access to dating apps.

Just imagine in a land far far away…

Cinderella’s prince finds her by matching her shoes from a tinder picture, tick, no need to search through the whole kingdom. He just needs to wait for her to match with him too!

Ariel never needs to change to a human, with a sneaky well cropped picture on OkCupid how could Eric ever know she was a mermaid except during their first date!

Aladdin joining a ‘Rich Man’ based app as Jasmines dad uses it to find her suitors, no need for the Genie.

Not quite the same ring to it right? But then again we can’t hold ourselves to the unrealistic standards of princesses! We aren’t just sitting in a castle with our long flowing hair waiting for a prince.

The good thing about dating apps is we don’t need to wait for that one specific special moment. We can create those moments ourselves. With online dating apps we’re no longer limited to finding someone special by accident with the help of the universe. We can do this whilst waiting in line for morning coffee, whilst at work (don’t tell your boss), etc. The possibilities are endless. Whereas before you had to stick to your friends’ circle and connections to introduce a suitor. With dating apps, the possibilities are amplified as you can match with a stranger. So even if you don’t end up dating you have made a new friend and expanded your social circle.

In an age where we are always running around dating apps let us use our time more effectively.

If you are planning on coming to China, your usual dating apps will not be so popular. To increase the number of date possibilities I suggest using Chinese dating apps. So why, as a language blog are we talking about dating apps!?

Well, these apps can also help you connect with others and make friends, you don’t just have to use it for dating.

But if love is in your cards…

As my Chinese teacher always said, the best way to learn a language is to have a lover who speaks it. Although, from personal experience I think my Chinese got worse after I met my husband!

Learning new languages became a key to succeeding in a connected world. Here are my top favorite language translator apps.

Here are our office staffs favorite Chinese dating apps:

1-TanTan探探 (Tàntàn)

List Of Chinese Dating Sites

Top features: Easy to use, quick matches

Best Chinese Dating Website

If you download TanTan you will find it similar if you’ve used Tinder. TanTan is very popular with younger generations, especially college students. Just like Tinder, you create a basic profile and then it’s up to you to find a match. You are presented with a person’s photo and profile and like Tinder, swipe left/right to select/eliminate this person. A conversation can only start once you have both picked each other.


Unlike the other Chinese dating apps, TanTan can be used fully in English! This is extremely useful if your Chinese is not very good.

Since last year TanTan is now also owned by the next dating app we will mention Momo.

2-Momo陌陌 (Mòmò)

Top features: Personalized interest based matches, similar to a social media network

This is the number one app in China in terms of user number. Because of this if you could only pick one app to download this one would be it. To increase your chances of finding a suitable candidate it’s better to use an app that has a large user base. This is because it means more matches per location. So this is the one I suggest downloading.


This app has some fun features that make it almost like a social platform rather than a simple dating app. For examplemulti-media instant messages, as well as games, and much more. This app specifically gives you personalized matches based on your location. The more information you add to your profile the better your chances of finding a good match.

3-Qing Chufan请吃饭 (Qǐng chīfàn)

Top features: Simple, unique, cute, possibly the most romantic of the dating apps

If you are studying Chinese, you will know what qing chifan means! It means “please, let’s eat”, and that’s exactly what this app is used for!


The way this app works is very funny, to me it reminds me of the bachelor. It starts off by a guy proposing a dinner date, lets call him the bachelor. I say man because this actually started off with men proposing dinners but now women do that too. Once a dinner has been proposed, women sign up for it, then the bachelor picks with what woman he would like to have dinner with!

List Of Japanese Dating Sites

For most people dating apps have become the go-to way to date! I think it will become the new norm to have met your partner online in the future. So have fun using these Chinese dating apps to find your one true love or a new friend, and improve your Chinese skills!

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