Seeking Arrangement Profile Approval

  1. Seeking Arrangement Profile Approval
  2. How Long Does Seeking Arrangement Take To Approve Profile


First Meeting, Potential Sugar Daddy, Privacy, Risk, Seeking Arrangement, Smart, Sugar Baby, Sugar Daddy, Sweet, Wine

Dear Secret Provacateurs,

I met with another potential SD last night. It was another lovely evening, there was some chemistry but I also do not see this going anywhere. On the plus side, this evening I discussed with the gentleman, let us call him “L,” the issue with online dating (ESPECIALLY SD/SD dating) and privacy.

Think about it. As a prospective Sugar Daddy, you generally make a lot of money, are in some big business, and some have a high profile. As such, many will not post their photos on the site and change their names. But eventually, the exchange of photos happens and poof! The cover is blown. This means that young perspective SBs that communicate with potential SDs have names, e-mails, if there is texting involved then phone numbers as well, and photos to boot. Well hey, I see legal implications written ALLL over this. While I am not personally inclined to start any trouble, I am just doing some sociological research, I cannot say the same for all of the women on the site.

For the potential Sugar Babies out there, well I see the risks being just as high. Take me, for example, an ambitious student who works in a great place and hopefully on the way to doing great things. On Seeking Arrangement at least, Sugar Babies are not allowed to privatize their photos unless they pay a fee and upgrade to a “Premium” account. Now consider your city, big or small. Consider all the men on the site, browsing your page, contacting you, wanting to “spoil” you in exchange for your company, whatever that company turns out to be. Consider the positions these men hold, many married.

I always see that it's temporarily approved whenever a change is made. So I'm guessing they'll see the new edits. But I do agree that they've been taking longer than usual to approve changes. Original Poster. 1 point 4 years ago. Hm, maybe I'll make a throwaway SD profile. Seeking Arrangements, or in short Seeking, is an online dating website which is also very popular in the online dating world among the users. This hookup website represents an online service made and designed to connect people who are already members of. On Seeking Arrangement at least, Sugar Babies are not allowed to privatize their photos unless they pay a fee and upgrade to a “Premium” account. Now consider your city, big or small. Consider all the men on the site, browsing your page, contacting you, wanting to “spoil” you in exchange for your company, whatever that company turns out. According to Seeking Arrangement's stats, the average sugar daddy is 38 and makes $250,000 annually, while the average sugar baby is 25 and makes $2,800 monthly from their daddies. While lines seem blurred in the minds of most, Seeking Arrangement maintains that being a sugar baby is not sex work. Seeking is the dating app for Relationships on Your Terms. With over 20 million members, we are the largest dating website for wealthy, successful and attractive singles.

Now consider this: Every wealthy and powerful man in your city, and even across the globe, may have stumbled upon your page, scoped out your photo and perhaps even contacted you with some offer or other.

I don’t know about the other women on the site, but I couldn’t help but stare at the floor as I went to work. What if one of these suits recognizes me? Worse, what if, in a semester’s time, I head out for my job interviews and, lo and behold, my interviewer, and potential boss, recognizes my face? What does that mean?

Thanks to “L,” I found a way to alter my face on the site. This is great as at least only those I choose to show my face can see it. The risks remain, however, as photos eventually get exchanged.

One thing different about online dating is that appearances are everything. “Personality” is secondary, once your pictures are approved by a potential SD, they want to meet you to make sure you haven’t photo shopped yourself into an entirely different individual. THEN, once the relief of seeing that you are who you say you are has set in, on both ends, personality comes into play.

“L” and I started out at a local brewery. We talked over wine at the bar and then decided to sit for a bite. This was great since it meant that we carried on conversation easily. We talked about all sorts of things, travel, love, lack thereof in both arenas. It was very easy being in his company. He was kind, polite and a gentleman. I, of course, played the lady (had to go through the awkward “I can split the bill” awkward-hand-on-wallet moment I mentioned in my last post) but he, as is the usual custom in dating, turned me down and covered the bill.

We parted ways and decided to meet in the new year if we still felt so inclined. I am not so sure that I am, but I, again, learned a lot about his business and the way his life turned out the way it did.

Lots of insight, a great pal, no sparks. A few more messages in my inbox and I pray my luck holds out and no creepers come along.

p.s. Some SD wanting to pay for sex, who sprung it on me, keeps texting me. I do not respond. How long do you think before he gets the hint? I’ve told another point blank, “I am not interested” and he has laid off. I think its time to respond in kind with this one.


Your thoughts are welcome, as are your questions, concerns or things you would suggest I look into while I’m still brave enough to pull this stunt off.

Stay tuned…

Seeking Arrangement Profile Approval

Hugs & Kisses,

How Long Does Seeking Arrangement Take To Approve Profile
