Facebook Dating Not Working Reddit


One of the newest additional feature to the Facebook is Facebook Dating. With Facebook dating, you’ll get to meet people and for some, chances are might even get to start a relationship with those you have in common with using your Dating Profile.

Using the new feature only requires you to logged into a single email address but you will be creating a new profile which will be used for the dating service. After creating your own Facebook dating profile which is of course separate from your own main profile, users will be suggested to you or can find you based on your interests, location and preferences. Although if at some point you are interested in a particular someone, you do not need to wait for that person to reach out to you but instead you can start reaching out to them first.

A NEW WORKAROUND TO FIX FACEBOOK DATING NOT WORKING in this new video: Facebook Dating launch in the United States, som. Currently, Facebook dating works with the mobile app and does not work yet on the desktop site or mobile site. You can adjust settings to allow for possible matches with friends via the Secret Crush feature or use the default that matches you with friends of friends (you can disable this as well and match with non friends of friends only). Widow surgeon, working yemen he title. Sent, the episode question to reveal behind. Influences scenes, tidbits Facebook Dating Not Showing Up Reddit or Chinese Dating Show Jin Xing recounting one user interface? Should support the app's functionality if you want. Eateries Entj Dating your message sizes relatively equal i suggest.

Although the new feature is a solid performing feature since it was launched there are instances when certain issues can occurs which we will be addressing today. In this latest installment of our troubleshooting series, you will find easy to follow solutions that can help fix Facebook dating app not visible.

Facebook dating not working reddit video

Why Facebook Dating Not Showing

There are several factors that can cause this particular problem in this new social media service, it may be caused by two of the following reasons: One: you are not using the Facebook app and two: you are under the age of 18. Given the fact that any person under the 18 of age cannot in any way able to create their own account, there isn’t much we can do about it. But if you are older than 18 years of age, the only solution to the problem is to download the App on your Android or IOs devices to be able to access Facebook Dating.

How to Fix Facebook Dating Not Showing Up on Facebook App

If you are having trouble with Facebook Dating such as not showing up on your device, you need to do the following easy solutions on how to fix it:

First: Update Facebook App to fix Facebook Dating not showing

Perhaps Facebook app is not the latest version that is why dating not working , you probably need to update the Facebook app to the available recent version. Simply tap the Update tab to begin. You may also opt to choose the automatic update for your Android or IOs device. Try to check if dating feature is available on your device and working properly.

Second: Check Internet Connection


If you are accessing Facebook Dating app connected to a Wi-Fi network and still experiencing problems with Facebook Dating, you might need to check your internet connection and try to fix it. Perhaps your connection is slow or is not stable due to your current location. However, if you are connected to your data plan, you can check on your network and see if there are issues concerning their connectivity.

Third: Enable Facebook App Notifications

If App notifications has been turned off or disabled, make sure that Facebook is exempted from that list, or you can try to Enable again Facebook App notifications to be able to use Facebook Dating service.

Facebook Dating Not Working Reddit


Fourth: Clear Cache on your Phone

For apps to run faster. your mobile phone stores data from the apps. However there are instances wherein the data stored gets corrupted causing the app to stop functioning properly. Clearing cache on your mobile phone can sometimes resolves this. Try to check if dating feature will already show on your device and working properly.

Fifth: Check if Facebook is not down

Check to see if there are other users experiencing problems with Facebook App, if it is down the only way to go about this is to simply wait for it to be working again

Sixth: Uninstall and Reinstall Facebook App

Sometimes uninstalling and reinstalling an apps on your Android and iOS device resolves any conflict that arises with the app. That way you’ll get a new and updated version as well to be able to use the dating feature. Simply tap the uninstall tab on your mobile.

Seventh: Contact Facebook Help Center

If after following the solutions mentioned and still Facebook dating is not visible on Facebook, you can send a direct message to Facebook’s Technical support team via their Facebook webpage. You can do this using your android or iOS device or computer. Simply tap the Facebook Help Center located on the website.


Brace yourselves, my friends, there's a whole new way for you to find love readily available on your phones: Facebook Dating. But, how do you sign up for Facebook Dating? Well, unlike most other dating apps, you actually can't just casually go to the App Store, type in 'Facebook Dating,' and expect to find it there. In fact, if you were to do that, it wouldn't come up at all.

Facebook Dating Not Working Reddit

So where can you find it? Through the Facebook app. Here’s how it works: First, you have to log onto the Facebook app on your phone — not Facebook on your computer. (It literally will not come up if you try to search for it on Facebook on your computer, so don’t bother.)

Once you're on Facebook, you can enter 'Facebook Dating' into the search bar, or find it within your bookmarks within the app, a rep for Facebook tells Elite Daily. So, take your pick. The world's your oyster, pal.

If you like the sounds of the search bar, I took the liberty of searching for it myself on my Facebook App and this is what should come up. You know, just so we’re all on the same page here:

Click on is the Facebook Dating tab that you see directly under the Facebook Shortcuts tab, which will redirect you to this page:

Facebook Dating Conversations Not Working

If you choose to go down the bookmark road, let me start by saying you should make sure your app is updated. I wasn't able to see the bookmark on my app until my phone was updated.

Once your app is all up to date, all you have to do is tap on the 'home' button and you'll see the option to sign up. Once you do, you'll be redirected to that same starting page.

Another way to find the bookmark is to click on those three horizontal lines on the right side of your Facebook app. Once you click on those, you'll notice 'Dating' is one of your new options for things to do on the app. If you're single and ready to mingle, all you have to do is tap to create your Facebook Dating profile.

So, at the end of the day, it's really up to you how you choose to go about getting started with Facebook Dating. Just don't try to download it on the App Store because you will not find it there. No, seriously. I tried and these were my only results:

No offense to Hello Dating, DOWN Dating, or any other app that comes up — those apps are probably great. But the point is they're not Facebook Dating.

To be honest, the way I see it, having it exist within your Facebook app is a great thing because it's taking up less space on your phone. No more wasting storage space on yet another app. This time this is like a fun, secret app that just so happens to exist within another app you already had on your phone.

Facebook Dating Something Went Wrong

It's efficient and I like it.